Sunday, January 17, 2010

Over Coming your Fear Of Flying

Did you know that many people have such a fear in flying that it is impossible to get them on a plane? The fear of flying is called Aviaphobia. This is a serious, disabling fear of flying that prevents people from traveling. Some will avoid trips that will have to be out of town even if this means the loss of their job. No dice “If this means that I have to travel by plane I won’t go.” say many. So what do you do in a situation like this? There is help and if you really want to get help it is right there in your face. Most people will go and seek help and others are not even thinking about. They will not get on anyone’s plane. So this is what you do Go to your doctor and ask if they are any workshop that you can attend and see if those will work for you. A clinical psychologist by the name of Martin N. Seif, PHD who runs a six-week workshop called “Freedom to Fly” out of New York and Greenwich, Conn., help people overcome their fear of flying. It may work just give it s shot. If this works for you go ahead and take that family vacation and go on a romantic getaway with that someone special. You will feel glad that you did! Happy Flying for now!

1 comment:

  1. For people who live in other areas, the video plus counseling by phone program at is just as effective.
