Men it's time that you get a good check up and take care of yourself. Checking your cholesterol and blood pressure are good ways to prevent a heart attack. Eat right and always see your health care provider and get plenty of rest.
the heart is a big muscle
First, what is a heart attack? A heart attack is medically known as a
myocardial infraction. this occurs when a blood clot blocks one of the coronary arteries. Each coronary artery supplies blood to a specific part of the heart's muscular wall. A blocked artery can cause pain and malfunction in the area it supplies.
Step 2
chest pain one of the symptoms of a heart attack !
Most people are pretty familiar with a description of the heart attack, the crushing chest pressure, pain, heading towards the neck, jaw, back and of course your arm. You may also have sweating, shortness of breath and a sudden case of indigestion that is not relieved by an antacid. If you experience any of these symptoms you need to call 911 right away. Make sure that you have some family members around if not keep your phone by your side.
Step 3
being over weight is another risk factor !
Heart disease is the number one killer of men in the united states alone.
Plaque is made up of cholesterol and the bad high levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream are the leading risk factors for heart attack in men. There are other risk factors such as
obesity and overweight
High Blood Pressure
and other sedentary lifestyle
Stress is another leading risk factor as well. Sudden and over whelming stress can trigger a heart attack in most cases. studies have shown that stress can cause men to have unhealthy eating habits along with smoking , therefore causing men not to exercise and develop bad habits
Step 4
Exercise is best Try it under your doctor's supervision
Some men with depression can shut their selves in and not do any actives, such as sex, a walk in the park, maybe dancing, or playing a round of putt putt . Men get scared because he is worried if he does any type of exercise he may in-counter another heart attack. Therefore he may not want to do anything at all this can cause a problem in the bedroom area folks! Have consultation with your doctor and he will give you the heads up on what to so. Actually exercise is beneficial to the heart . Go get that check up and take your partner out on the town and live again Be Well.
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