Many people that I know who have a sinus problem are also frustrated with all the misery that it brings. There's the headache,stuffy nose,post nasal drip, can't breath ,nor smell or taste. That's not a good feeling. Sinusitis occurs when the mucus membranes that line your sinuses become inflamed and creating nasal congestion and bacterial infection . The inflammation is usually triggered by allergies, bacteria, viruses , stress, and sometimes genetic disorders.
Many smokers often have bad sinusitis because of all the harsh burning chemical that constantly irritates their sinuses. people who have frequent upper-respiratory infections or who have major post nasal drip are prone to sinusitis.
When this is bad you may also have a fever and some swelling , discomfort and swelling of the neck and you may even have an earache with compliments of a stuffy nose.
If your not sure what is causing your sinusitis check with your health provider. If your having this problem more than three times a year and the time between episodes are short or if it doesn't clear up with in 7 days , you may have an intense infection.
Here are some home remedies that may help , it helped a few of my friends, But always check with your doctor.
Take a bite of horseradish root. Eat 1/4 teaspoon of prepared horseradish three times daily. You can make your own by grating 1 teaspoon of fresh root into 1 cup of hot water. Let steep for about 5 minutes; then strain. drink 3 cups a day.
To really open up your nasal passages try using a sinus oil 1 to 2 times a daily . Get a clean wash cloth and soak in hot water(be careful not to burn yourself), apply this to your face to increase the circulation to the area . keep the cloth there for 5 minutes, and keep resoaking it in hot water as hot as you can tolerate it. Apply a thin layer of olive oil to the frontal bone this is above your eyes and your cute little cheek bones starting below your eyes and onto the boney part of your nose palce some eucalyptus oil onto your fingers and rub into those areas place the hot rag again for at least 20 minutes and get plenty of rest.
You can use saline nasal spray several times a day . This can remove mucus that harbor bacteria. Find a spray that have eucalyptus . Eucalyptus can kill bacteria, betcha didn't know that did you.
Inhaling steam is another good way of unclogging your sinuses. Make a tent with a towel over a hot bowl of steam be careful . Breathe in the steam and add some vicks vapo steam a few drops, or better yet use eucalpytus leaves and bresathe in the fresh aroma.
Don't drink milk it tends to create mucus you already have enough of that all in your head When swimming try using nose plugs chlorine can be just as irrating as the people in the pool splashing water all in your face. Oh drink plenty of water this will help thin ourt your nasal mucus.
Last but not least, try frying some salt in apan then spread it onto a cloth and put over bridge of your nose and relax the heat will open up your sinuses. Be Well !
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