Sure , you'll have to make adjustments, but knowing these tips you will reclaim your sex life. 1.
Step 1
painful joint pain
Folks don't think that you can't have a normal sex life because you suffer from psoriatic arthritis. The joint pain , the swelling and the stiffness that is associated with arthritis can make some sexual positions uncomfortable, and the grayish- white scaling of over the dullish red skin rash that is caused by the psoriasis can make you feel self-conscious. This does not have to get in your way from having healthy sex.
Step 2
get some exercise
If anything having sex could make the pain from joint inflammation and the stiffness feel better. Most people find that are stiff in the morning and active latter on in the day. By having an activity such as sex in the morning does help one to loosen up . So sex is great in the morning ! Sex is exercise and tends to make the back pain associated with psoratic arthritis improve
Step 3
Sex should be pleasurable , so plan accordingly. If your stiff in the morning or your so tired in the evening plan a romp in the afternoon. Call your sweetie and say let's have some afternoon delight. believe me he or she will come running. Here's some tip that may help.
Make sure you are rested
apply a heating pad for sore joints
take your pain medication before hand
massage your muscles and joints (you can use this a form of foreplay)
use pillow to support you and your partner.
Step 4
talk about the different positions that you can do
Don't do any positions that will cause you any extra pain. You can experiment with ones that are right for you and your partner. If your having hip problems try making love your partner on her side, and you enter from behind. Here is another position that you can try . The woman is on her knees ( now make sure that she doesn't have knee problems) on a pillow leaning against the bed .
Another position the man lies on the bed with his partner sitting on top ,if her legs hurt she should not spread them apart.
There are days that your partner may not want to have sex because of the flare ups and pain. So discuss this with your partner they will understand. See a rheumatologist they can help with this problem
Be Well !
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